Event Details

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Anniversary cover page Church Anniversary invitation

It has been fifty years since The Baptist Church in Muswellbrook opened its door to the public on 25th August, 1968. The church name has changed 3 times in its lifetime – originally Muswellbrook Baptist Church, to Muswellbrook Community Baptist Church, back to Muswellbrook Baptist Church and then to Brookside. We have a reason to celebrate God’s faithfulness to our ministry. We’ve seen God bring people into relationship with Him and lives have been changed in this community.

We warmly invite you to join us for a wonderful Saturday night dinner and joyful Sunday thanksgiving church service. This promises to be a great time of celebration.

On Saturday 25th August at 6pm we have a 3 course dinner at St James School Hall, Skellatar Stock Route, Muswellbrook.

Please book at https://www.trybooking.com/UVHH

If you would like to be billeted with a church family, please indicate this in the online booking form listed above.